PCamDashboard display production statistics web based
- The interconnection via the internet of computing devices and machines embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.

- Allows to monitor the temperature and the energy consumption of each process.

CNC Param
Allows to automatically read the status values and the main variables from all the numerical controls.- Machine status: on, off, running, in error.
- Program in operation.
- NC block running.
- Tool in use.
- Progress.
- Number of laps.
- Spindle absorption.

- IFTTT is the way to get all your software and devices talking to each other.

- is a card-type human positioning tag, equipped with BLE, six-axis sensors, etc., supporting two positioning methods, TDOA and TOF. It is mainly used for human localization in various scenarios such as factories, power plants, justice, and exhibition halls

Indoor Wired Anchor
- is an indoor wired positioning anchor that supports two positioning methods: TOF and TDOA. It is mainly used in indoor scenes such as factories, power plants, public prosecution and justice institutions, hospitals, warehouses, and exhibition halls. Using wired backhaul, it can be connected to the computing engine through a switch.

Digital cost recording of non-networked workplaces and work processes.
- Certain workplaces such as mould assembly, the sawmill department or activities such as maintenance and repair that do not have a dedicated network connection make it difficult to create detailed cost records.
- Thanks to a software suite based on RFID tracking technology, PCamRfTrack allows the automatic and detailed digital recording of the costs of these specific activities.