Extremely stable gantry (7th axis) for PCamRobot. Allows highly dynamic axis movement with maximum weight load.
- The guides are mounted on the gantry that allow the robot to move along the horizontal axis of the structure.
- The advantage of this solution is that the trolley on which the robot is housed can be controlled directly from the keyboard of the robot itself, becoming in effect the seventh axis that the operator can easily govern as the programming language is the same used for the robot.
- The system as a whole is relatively simple and quick to set up and configure according to the customer's needs, it is sufficient to size the structure and the guides based on the characteristics of the robot itself, then proceed with the customization of the layout and the gripper of pallet gripping.
- The mechanical design is therefore reduced to a minimum, as is the definition time and therefore the start of construction of the plant. This is because the components and modules used are all standard products.